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Gwisg Ysgol - School Uniform

Mae gan yr ysgol wisg arbennig a disgwylir i bob plentyn ei gwisgo yn rheolaidd:

Siwmper goch

Crys-polo coch neu gwyn

Crys llwyd

Sgert lliw tywyll - Trowsus lliw tywyll

Mae crys-T a siwmper gyda bathodyn yr ysgol arnynt ar werth yn yr ysgol.

Gellir prynu’r gweddill mewn unrhyw siop ddillad.

Llanllwni Primary school has a school uniform and each pupil is expected to wear it regularly:

Red jumper

Red or White polo shirt

Red sweatshirt

Grey or Black skirt / trousers

The sweatshirts and T-shirts have the school badge on them, and they may be bought at the school.

The rest of the clothes may be bought from any clothes shop.